எங்கள் சிறப்பம்சங்கள்

Stand for #OurFoodSystems Global Day of Action on July 24!


Join Stand for #OurFoodSystems Global Day of Action on July 24!

The UNFSS+2 Stocktaking Moment signals the neoliberal consolidation of the global food regime, from global to country-levels, toward the 2024 UN Summit of the Future. As such, the rural people’s food systems continue to be at risk of corporate takeover.

Inclusivity is put into action through multistakeholderism, which afforded grassroots groups the space to join discussions and engage at policy level albeit the “equal treatment” with states and corporations. Experience has shown, however, that our participation is only taken advantage to endorse imperialist-backed and corporate-led reforms that destroy our food, land, and climate. Being seen or included is not enough, and fighting for our space is secondary – because multistakeholderism is a dangerous road heading toward a dead end.

Only strong and determined peoples’ movements and communities demanding accountability from governments and corporations and fighting for the needed policy reforms and programs will deliver a radical transformation of food systems – not the UNFSS representing profit-seeking monopolies’ interests and agenda. We must expand and strengthen our efforts to support the national and local campaigns for genuine land reform and rural development, food sovereignty and agroecology, and the peoples’ democratic rights. We can only build a future without hunger, dispossession, and destruction through our collective struggles and global solidarity.



Hold mass mobilizations or any activity on-ground – meetings, gatherings, fairs, discussion groups, rallies, etc. – that raise awareness on our local struggles in connection with the neoliberal agenda on food, land, and climate


Post and share content on social media – photos, videos, visual graphics, statement, etc. – that call the attention on the lived realities of the rural peoples, and to expose and condemn multistakeholderism’s role in aggravating global hunger and poverty. Please use the hashtags #OurFoodSystems and #ForwardTheFuture


The so-called national food systems transformation pathways developed by 121 countries at the behest of the UNFSS are pathways for corporations to tighten their grip on national and local food systems. Through these pathways, programs and policies that promote neoliberal reforms, boost the export of monopoly capital, or introduce technology for digitalization and data mining in food and agriculture, among others, are likely given greater opportunities to expand.

Peoples’ struggles and solidarity, not UNFSS, will build just, equitable, healthy, and sustainable food systems!

Sign our unity statement here: https://bit.ly/OurFoodSystems
